These are the subtitles that I am working on.
If the subtitles are listed as 100% - click the photo of the musical and you will be linked to a file in Google Drive, from which you will be able to download it. If it doesn't work for whatever reason, you can email me and I can send the file through email attachment.
If the subtitles are not listed as 100%, a file may still be linked but it will most likely be outdated and not matching the same status as whatever the progress displays.
All of the bootlegs used are from the original unedited format unless stated otherwise. You can include the subtitles when trading the bootleg to others, just don't claim it as your own. Lastly, just a reminder that I am not trained in making subtitles. If you see any typos or have a few tips to give, feel free to send me an email!
RENT - Hope Mill Theatre (Manchester) - November, 2020 | MP4 (HD) | Pro-Shot
STARTED: March 18, 2021
FINISHED: March 26, 2021
NOTES: I based the lines off the SRT file for the Broadway Pro-Shot and libretto and made appropriate changes. As I expected, they didn't change too much of the script from the Broadway production. This was my first subtitle project so it might be a little rough, but I would say it's not that bad.